Sunday, October 26, 2008


Ordinary-looking guy, "I’m not that into it, but they’re well into production already."

Ambitious-looking girl, "Oh?"

Guy, earnestly, "What I really want is to go back to school and get my PhD in Science."

Girl, amazed, "Wow! I didn’t know you can do Science!"

Guy, modestly, "Yeah, I can do Science."

Okay, show of hands, people. How many of you assumed that the “production” mentioned above was some kind of film/TV project? Yep. Just what I thought, all the locals. I did, too. Commentary to follow.


Morgue said...

There are many opportunities in the fascinating field of Science. The applications of Science to our everyday lives are manifold. Truly, a degree in Science, particularly an advanced degree in Science, is quite an accomplishment.

As an aside: Ever notice that the more times you type "science," the more it feels like you're misspelling it?

carole* said...

You're not kidding--- I swear I almost used the spellcheck after the second repetition. Much like I just got up and checked the dictionary for 'repetition'.

jan said...

ok, great, now you've both made me even more self-consciouss than i already was about my loussy speling. and who says blogs have no tangible effect...

carole* said...

Who says blogs have no tangible effect? People say no one reads blogs. Both statements appear to be false... for which I thank you all.