Friday, November 1, 2019

The One Of November

Hello, my darlings. Your old auntie popped in because it's November first again and that used to mean something, once upon a time.

In case you forgot, November = NaNoWriMo

My friends who romanticized the writing life used to really get into it. Back then, I was living the writing life, so I looked at them with fond tolerance and counted the days most of them lasted on two hands.

Then I tried it.


Turns out that hitting a daily word count no matter what is hard.

Oh, I tried all sorts of things. I started writing that one book I always wanted to read, the hilarious action pastiche with a cranky menopausal protagonist. I did the 50 jokes a day thing, which I used to do whenever I needed to break writer's block. I even tried a stream of consciousness journal-y thing. The less said about that, the better.

Then I hit on the idea of doing a blog post a day every November. No worries about word count, just one thought each day. I can do that. It will keep Scarycookies alive. This will become a November blog. It was a brilliant idea. It could work.

So imagine my consternation when I loaded this up and found that I didn't do it in 2018.

Oh well. None of my former NaNoWriMo buddies even mentioned it this year, and nobody looks at blogs anymore so I don't think any of you will actually see this.

But Auntie is here anyhow.

We'll see what happens -- or at least, I will.

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