Tuesday, January 1, 2013


Welcome to the year I’ve been dreading since I was old enough to do math. Of course your superstitious Auntie has Triskaidekaphobia, but it might not be as bad as it sounds.

Long time readers (bless your hearts, I owe you both dinner) might remember this:


Thirteen certainly proved to be lucky then, didn’t it? But that was in 2009. Everything was different way back then. Just kidding.

Still, two uniquivocally good things have already happened today, completely randomly and out of the blue. My Magic 8 Ball™ didn’t see either of them coming. I know, because I asked it right after midnight last night.

Of course there were black-eyed peas for lunch. We would have had them on an ordinary New Year’s Day. It’s as much tradition as superstition and almost shouldn’t count. Yes, the dogs got some too.

But I read my horoscope this morning, which I hardly ever do. Desperate times, etc.

And I found a Chinese restaurant that was open for dinner tonight so I could get some Kung Pao tofu. Kidding again. Oh, I got the Kung Pao, but more importantly, I got a fortune cookie.

Apparently my lucky numbers are in order, 04 07 17 28 32, and… you guessed it, 13. The thirteen was completely separate. Not just out of sequence, but after a comma. The fortune is taped to my computer if you want proof. Proof of what, I dunno.

Sure, there are people whose (real) lucky number is thirteen. I know two of them. Or three, depending on how you count.

One of them is dead, but she lived to almost 100. She was also into numerology. I have to figure maybe she knew something, that she chose thirteen for a reason.

Really, I have to figure that. For at least a year.

Happy New Year, my dears and darlings! Knocking on wood for all of us.

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