Friday, February 5, 2010

Rain Check

This wasn’t going to be my next post. I’m taking a break in our regularly scheduled blogging because it’s raining.

Go ahead, make a joke, I’ll wait.

It’s true, I am Southern Californian, born and bred. I’ve lived here my whole life. Rain is a big deal. It’s not that cold and there’s something delightfully disruptive about the spattering. Not to mention that in the middle of a drought, there’s water all over the place. How decadent is that?

Really, that’s what it’s all about, abundance in the midst of rationing. Imagine butter and eggs falling on World War Two communities. Okay, maybe not. My brain is soggy. Or maybe I’m just loopy from the pitter patter. Still, it’s fun.

Not so much for the little dog, though. The water goes up to his haunches, which makes peeing problematic, or it would if he was willing to go outside. Fog may creep in on little cat feet, but rain makes all four of a dog’s legs cross.

1 comment:

jan said...

if you need to evacuate The BossMan, so he can, um, evacuate more easily....well, his southern manse always awaits. we have good runoff. heh.