Saturday, June 12, 2010

Now & Now & 5 Minutes From Now

“Live in the moment” -- that’s easy to say, but it can’t be done. I blame technology. (Surprise!) We’ve multitasked ourselves into mental shrapnel, deluding ourselves that we are not only functional, but efficient.

Clichés are clichés for a reason. I’ve read enough Zen (a shelf-full, third up from the bottom in the bookcase closest to the door of the blue room, feel free to browse) to know that there is value in now-ness. “Now” is a wonderful place, I should go there sometime. It sounds lovely and pretty and mountain-lake-in-the-summertime-Alps-y.

Who among us would get out of bed in the morning if we weren’t thinking about what we have to do that day? Besides pee, come on, I’m trying to be serious here. We have conversations in our heads before we even get there. We’re always one step ahead of ourselves. We call it “having goals” but it’s really just a way of getting past tedium.

As I sit here, listening to my Loud Neighbors have conversations that sound like arguments, choosing to live five minutes from now when I’ll have gotten up and walked away, seems like wisdom.

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