Saturday, October 2, 2010


Let’s do something different today. I figure you’re sitting at your desk right now. Aren’t you? Oh sure, you might have a laptop balanced on your tummy while you do something else, but I doubt you’d be reading a blog in that case. No, you’re probably killing time at work. A desk it is.

Look at the piles of crap you have stacked all over the place. If your desk is perfectly organized and tidy (yeah, right) then you can look at the neatly sorted piles of crap. Now see how much of your personality some alien archaeologist could discern from the various objects. Include anything stuck on your monitor.

Me, I have a fat wad of business cards (random excerpts include my casino host, the electrician, a car repo guy from my gym, a dead magician, an acupuncturist, my dentist, two living magicians, a waiter and for some reason a wedding picture of a cousin I haven’t seen in years.) That’s actually a pretty fair list, if you know me. The bottles of Advil™ and chlorophyll are also indicative both of my personality and lifestyle. The enormous crystal ball was a gift. I should measure it. You’d be impressed by the heft. And of course, there are the obvious: a calendar, a dictionary, a cd/tape player (rarely used) and the ubiquitous Magic 8-Ball™. I’m sure you have all of those handy too. There are oddball items I either can’t describe or I don’t want you to know about, but they’re extraneous to the game.

Seriously, try it. You’ll be amazed how you can tell what’s important to you by what you keep near to hand. Besides, it’s more accurate than phrenology.

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