Monday, January 2, 2012

New Year's Revolution

You made your resolutions. That’s good. Or even if you’re like me and don’t make resolutions, the process is still inescapable. It’s not enough that 2012 started yesterday, officially it’s starting again today. So you get your face rubbed in the process no matter how much you try to ignore the implications.

Everything that’s happened to me today, or everything I’ve done, has come with the appendage of “this is how the year is starting.” The tiniest variation of routine has ominous harbinger properties. Okey-dokey. I can live with that. I have enough discipline.

But eventually discipline becomes extraneous. I say this because discipline is so difficult. That’s its point. You should know that it’s still important. Not because it’s important to reach the goal per se, but because of what the goal means to you. Why do you want to be healthier? Why do you want to be more organized? What do you think your life will be like if you don’t wait until there’s no clean underwear left before you do laundry?

The joke is that resolutions rarely work. I think they can work, if what matters to you is to get past your imagined inadequacy. I think that next year I might actually resolve to make some resolutions. I’ve got plenty of inadequacies, both real and imagined. What the hell, you never know.

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