Saturday, July 24, 2010

Have A Cookie

Sometimes we forget to be happy. It’s an easy thing to forget. We’re bombarded by irritations and annoyances, not to mention overwhelming global tragedies. Gulliver was only attacked by the Lilliputians or the Brobdingnagians one at a time. We get it all, all at once, constantly. We’re cut off by some asshole in traffic while listening to an update on the effects of the BP oil spill. Look at your email or your calendar, or listen to your messages. It never ends.

It’s time to hit the pause button on Life. I would say “take a break from what you’re doing” but if you’re reading this, you already have. Odds are also good that you’re sitting down right now. Have a refreshing sip of your beverage and let’s get to it.

Sometimes you have to remember that you have worked very hard and come a long way from where you started. Doesn’t matter that you aren’t yet where you’re going to be. You’ve already done a lot, and that’s significant. Stop dwelling on what you have left to do for just a second, and be proud of where you are right now. I just trimmed Jonah’s dewclaws, and I’m proud of that because I wasn’t sure my aging eyes were up to the task. It’s a little thing, but I feel good about having done it. Your stuff is bigger, you should feel better.

Take a moment to be happy. Be pleased with what you’ve managed to achieve, and proud of having done what it took to achieve it. Then, when you’re calm and strong, you can take the next step forward. You have my very best wishes, and a hug.

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