Sunday, February 20, 2011


When I was about nineteen or so, I came up with Three Rules For Life, as follows:

1. It can’t be helped.
2. It’s got to be done.
3. People are stupid.

Within a few years I amended Rule Three to read: People suck. Stupidity, whether as boorishness or simple lack of intelligence, was inadequate for an absolute statement. Nearly thirty-one years later, that’s still the only correction. At least one of those rules can apply to just about anything that happens in the normal course of a day, from laundry to unpleasant weather.

It’s not the chirpiest world view. It’s not even light gray. It’s dark. I’ll admit that, because it would be foolish not to. So what? Lower expectations are more easily met. Simple pleasures mean more. And it’s a hell of a lot easier to get to “happy ever after” with realistic expectations.

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