Saturday, March 5, 2011

A Pair Of Mocks

It was the best of times, it was the worst of times. Nah, not only has that line already been taken but it’s too histrionic even for me. I’m looking for irony, not melodrama.

For those of you just tuning in to the program already in progress, I write comedy. No, not this blog, I write other stuff that’s occasionally funny. So my ultimate goal, my desideratum (to quote the man Robert calls Mr. Pants) is to make people laugh. It’s heady stuff when it happens.

That said, my gut drops when I’m laughed at. That’s the irony. It’s only happened twice in adulthood, when someone looked at me and laughed a belly laugh because they found me somehow ridiculous, but it happened today. Quite viscera clenching, and not fun at all, but it was over fast.

No one likes being mocked. Well, most people don’t. Mr. Pants doesn’t mind. Richard is a good sport about it, luckily enough. I mean @rmangaha of course. We were mocking him rather incessantly tonight for behavior that would have been perfectly normal had anyone else done it.

Truly, it was the best of times and the worst of times. For only the second time in all the years I’ve known him, perhaps for the second time in his life, Richard stopped eating just because he was full.

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