Wednesday, April 6, 2011

All's Well That Ends Well

Was it Charles Laughton who famously yelled “Sanctuary!” in that classic film? I have no idea who it was, nor even what film it was. Must be on my list of famous films I haven’t seen. But if it ever comes up in Trivial Pursuit™, I’ll let you know.

I was thinking about sanctuary just now. After a terrifically sucky day, incrementally increasing suckiness culminating in a crescendo of suckdom, I drove home in traffic that included a jogger darting randomly off the sidewalk into the street in the middle of a block – right in front of my car. That’s when I had the epiphany.

There’s sanctuary to be found in doing something well.

I drive well, and even safely now. (Traffic school really does work as a deterrent to speed. I don’t want to go through that ever again, God forbid. Ptooie. Knocking on wood.) As I shifted gears, working around the oncoming cars and the idiot jogger, I found my mood draining away. By the time I got home, I was calm. The day hadn’t improved retroactively, I’ll be glad to start over tomorrow morning, but the miasma of suckiness cleared because I did something well.

What do you do well? No, besides that. Something you can talk about in front of people. Next time you do it, see if I’m right. You should be noticeably calmer and more tranquil after. Otherwise, this was just more bullshit you saw online.

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