Friday, October 26, 2012

Scary Thanks

Dear Aunt Scary,

How do I say "thank you" when saying "thank you" isn't enough?

Three people went out of their way to make my life better. They didn't have to, though two of them may think that they did.

I'm enormously grateful and appreciative, and I have no real way to express it. What do you suggest?


Dear Wondering,

Well, if you have either a blog or an advice column, you can always pretend to write a letter to yourself, publish it, and hope that the people you want to see it, see it.

That's what I just did.

Thanks, Sis. Thanks, T. Thanks, Bubble.

1 comment:

jan said...

Dear Aunty Sis,
Sometimes thanks are not necessary, such as when your family is happy if they can help. Then again, you've already thanked us more than enough, even by advice column standards.
paying it ahead for Perlita