Thursday, October 4, 2012

Auntie Scary's Household Hints

1. Always wait til after company leaves to do your big cleaning. That way there’s less pressure.

2. Just once in your life remember to dust first, sweep second.

3. Do it the hard way. You’re just going to have to go over it all again anyhow.

4. Don’t listen to @rmangaha. Even with a diagram there’s no easy way to fold a fitted sheet. (But follow him if you’re on Twitter, ok? I owe him a lot.)

5. “Clean as you go” applies to cleaning, too. The last thing you want to do after your arms and back ache is clean up your cleaning things. If that doesn’t make sense to you, you’re either a slob or have a maid.

and finally, most importantly:

6. If there’s cleanser left in the bottle then you’re not finished yet.


Morgue said...

Nonsense! Here's a great guide to folding a fitted sheet!

carole* said...

Thanks for the easy-to-follow instructions! Everybody, click and be prepared to take notes.