Thursday, May 9, 2013

"Rhubarb, Rhubarb"

It all started with two pieces of rhubarb.

No, I’ve never bought rhubarb in my life. Why would I? This was a gift.

You remember that one time you had a piece of strawberry-rhubarb pie and it didn’t suck, right? Me too. Besides, not too long ago, rhubarb was the secret ingredient on “Iron Chef”.

How bad could it be?

Ha! Ha. Ha hahahaha…! Sorry. I’m okay. Where was I?

Oh yeah. There they were, two extremely nice pieces of rhubarb. Fresh, organic, local and all that good stuff.

So I emailed a very good cook I know and asked what she’d do with two pieces of rhubarb. She said she’d throw them away. She doesn’t like rhubarb.

Auntie couldn’t just throw them away. See above about fresh, organic etc.

Next, of course, I went online. I found a recipe for balsamic rhubarb compote. Now, class, what does one do with fruit compote, hmm?

Actually, that’s not rhetorical. I have no idea. I know I’ve eaten compote, though not rhubarb, I’d remember that. But I have no idea what to do with it.

Still, I had all the ingredients, and the directions were simple enough. I went to work.

For those of you not on Twitter, it burned.

I threw it away.

The moral of this story is: Sometimes advice should be taken, and taken quickly.

If I had listened to my friend the very good cook, I’d’ve ended up in the exact same place without having to wash all those dishes.

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