Sunday, June 17, 2012


I fell asleep last night reading a book. I woke up long enough to set it on top of the pile on the nightstand and turn off the light. I went to fetch the book this morning, when I was ready to leave for the gym. Of course it wasn’t there. If it had been there, this wouldn’t be a story.

Yes, I looked in and under the bed, on the floor, etc. If you’ve been here, you know how tiny our home is. I can examine three rooms in ten times that many seconds and still be thorough. Nothing.

Brownie points to anyone who wants me to think of three numbers and look in the numbers book. ( True story: I couldn’t find the numbers book.

I lost the book that tells people how to find things so I couldn’t find the book I lost. Even though I don’t believe in it, it’s still funny.

In the end I found the numbers book. And in the epilogue, I found the original book. It was in the kitchen, near the coffeepot. No idea why.

If you look at me, you wouldn’t necessarily see a daffy old lady. I can pass for un-senile even on a mediocre day. So you never know. Prepare yourself. It happens fast. It could happen to you.

Oh yeah, the book was pretty much exactly where the numbers book said it would be, but if you find a newspaper and read your horoscope that’s probably fairly accurate too, as far as it goes. Doesn’t make any of it true, so don’t start with me. By the time you see this I’m probably looking for something else.

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