Sunday, July 22, 2012

Timing Isn't Everything

Timing is everything until the moment passes.

That wasn’t my original thought at all. First because there are no original thoughts – especially about timing – and second, because I was thinking about it, you know, sarcastically, the way we usually do.

We’re taught that timing IS everything.

We were taught wrong(ly.)

You set about to do something but (insert onomatopoeic sound effect in primary-colored geometric shape here!)!! Something else happens. Or some necessary step doesn’t happen. Doesn’t matter, you’re still derailed.

The moment doesn’t just pass. You see it go by like a little engine chanting “I think I can’t. I think I can’t.” It's true. In that newly redefined instant, you can’t.

Fine. So your moment, whether it was big or small, passed. Now you get to choose. Will you go down another path entirely (which is how this post is being written right now) or will you go back to it in a subsequent moment?

This is why we call it a “moment”. It doesn’t last long and besides, there’s another one every… well, you get the idea.

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