Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Whither Winter Weather?

It’s 100 degrees outside, and almost that inside. Depending on where you are, your reaction could range from “Oh my God, 100 degrees? I’ve just put on my winter coat and checked the storm windows” to “Only 100 degrees? Whiner.” (I’ve heard both.)

It’s that time of year, folks. Hotter here than it was in July, but the calendar and the window displays say it’s time to gear up for the holiday trifecta.

Halloween is arguably more fussed-over than Christmas in my neighborhood. By “neighborhood” I mean most of Los Angeles County, though my immediate neighborhood goes psycho-nuts with the decorations.

Put it this way, they’ve already begun building haunted houses in front yards. Seriously. I can e you some pix if you don’t believe me.

I’m the only one who appreciates Thanksgiving, but any holiday that’s all about the food without having to deal with gifts appeals to me. Like… oh, never mind.

Right now, in this betwixt and between moment, nature is holding its metaphoric breath. As am I. Soon the weather will break (knock on wood) and the Autumnal Equinox will pass. When that happens, the calendar gate opens and the holiday races begin.

Gentlefolk, warm up your credit cards and prepare to start your shopping.

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