Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Karma Insurance

There is harmony in the universe, but it’s not what you think. Turns out, karma is just basic math.

You may have heard of it. The official title is “Law of Averages”. Yep, our good old pal homeostasis. Events balance out. Got a string of bad luck? Something good will happen. It will, but you may not recognize it as such. You probably won’t feel like things evened out, but that’s basic math and math is an unfeeling subject.

Here’s my example: This morning I broke Robert’s favorite coffee mug. I knew I had to do something to balance that out or else something worse might happen. That’s my logic. Go get your own logic if you don’t like it.

It started with clearing off my desk. I dealt with every scrap of paper, every scribbled note scratched onto the back of something and tossed in a pile, the entire paper graveyard – not as an end in itself, mind you, but so that I could have the surface space to tackle one of the two outstanding projects that have been staring balefully at me for months now.

All that had to happen to compensate for my slip of the fingers at the kitchen sink.

I’m not even doing the nice project. (Sorry, Sis!) I’m doing the agonizing, no-good-side one. It sucks so badly that I stopped to write to all of you first. This is my last gasp of procrastination before destiny devours the day. I’ve decided that only finishing the horrible project can cancel out the karma and restore harmony to my tiny world.

Age of Aquarius, my ass. The paisley-pushers can bite me.

P.S. That was yesterday, and my system worked! Mock all you want, but the tide did turn. Knocking on wood now.


Morgue said...

Don't you get a sort of Karmic bump from going to Improv class shows?

jan said...

it's all good, sis. (she said with irony)