Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Ctrl A Delete Delete

You're welcome.

I just deleted a long and whiny draft because Auntie loves you and wants you to be entertained. A weak heh is better than a frowning "Yeah, that's true, but what's the point?"

So where shall we find our weak heh today? Let's randomize.

Today's Merriam-Webster Word Of The Day(tm) is... drumroll, please, while I find my phone and load up the app:

Chilblain; A swelling from exposure to the cold.

Right. Okay, not quite a heh, except insofar as today's weather forecast for Los Angeles is in the 70's. I think they're based on the east coast, though, so it probably wasn't meant facetiously.

Let's switch technologies and consult the Magic 8 Ball(also tm) for a comment. I often find that my Magic 8 Ball(tm) is more reliable than an app:

"You may rely on it."


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