Sunday, November 3, 2019

The Empty Roller-Coaster

It's what, the third day of this experiment? Already, the temptation to copy and paste one of my Quora answers is strong. Not just because they're already crafted and proofread and occasionally pretty good, but also because, frankly, I know I'm posting into a void here.

That's not a complaint. I'm old enough to expect to accept reality. The fact that you're reading this humbles me, even though I don't know who you are.

Thank you. I mean that.


It's hard to come up with something new to say. I started Scarycookies in 2008. Eleven years is a long time. Granted, it's been years since I posted with any regularity (except for the semi-annual November experiments), but I know I blathered myself dry long before the posts themselves dried up and I moved to Quora's lusher terrain.

There, before I answer a question, I read the other answers to be sure I have something salient to add. I'm not reading through eleven years of Scarycookies posts to be sure I have something salient to add. For one thing, most Scarycookies posts aren't salient to begin with. It was always an exercise in drivel and stream of consciousness. Which are separate things. Oh, I could write about that.

I had a point. Where was I?

Oh yeah.

If I'm not going to read through my old posts to be sure I'm not repeating myself, why should I expect you to want to look at anything I write?

Which of course I don't. See previous about posting into the void. That's what the semi-annual November experiment is all about.

It's still a roller-coaster even if you and I are the only ones in the car. Even if I'm the only one.

Day three, done.

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